All songs by Will Gresson & Felix-Florian Tödtloff.
Additional electric guitar on 'Said Warm Neck Keeping' by Alexa D!saster.
Saxophone on 'Three Moments of Inertia' by Lena Kilkka.
Recorded between 2018-2020 in Berlin & Kos.
Recording, Mixing & Mastering by Felix-Florian Tödtloff.
Artwork by Lia Boscu.
released July 6, 2020
As a pairing, German guitarist/synthesist Felix-Florian Tödtloff and Kiwi musician Will Gresson seem to operate with a mutual sense of reassurance, augmenting each other’s warmest musical instincts with apt care. It’s a minor statement perhaps, but cruising through Mission Creep is a journey full of the friendliness and positivity this DIY column populated with oddballs so often lacks.
- Tristan Bath, Spools Out / The Quietus