Sferics / The Old Dream of Symmetry Split 7” Acetate

The first project realised under the banner of without appeal is a 7" acetate record cut by Peter King in Ashburton, New Zealand in late 2016. Featuring new music from Sferics and The Old Dream of Symmetry, the record is being released in a super limited run of 20, as well as digitally. 

A Cloud the Size of the World is an exploration of a complicated love-hate relationship with loops, a personal search for something lush and hazy with a more dynamic feel than traditional looping. The title echoes somewhat the process of producing the track - paying attention to the subtle changes of colour and shapes, similar to watching a cloud for a long time.

[between parentheses] originally began as a more conventional guitar/drums arrangement before much of it was reworked using a single sample, digitally altered and then multi-tracked. The result was much a simpler and more direct sound, less grounded in something recognisable. The song was written for a family member who passed away in 2o12.

Both tracks underwent long periods of development, and although they're dynamically quite different they nonetheless function as two sides of the same conversation. The record's cover image was taken in Bucharest, Romania during a short research trip in 2014. It marks a point where certain ideas slowly began to develop, which ultimately led us to the creation of without appeal two years later.

Sferics is Felix-Florian Tödtloff.

The Old Dream of Symmetry is Will Gresson.

Mastered by Jaike Stambach.


Tracing Commons (Publication)